Social Sciences

BSc (Hons)
Immerse yourself in the study of people, culture and society. Learn about the key social factors that influence groups and organizations and develop skills in research and data analysis.
MSc (Hons)
School Counseling
The Master of Science Degree in School Counseling is designed to prepare you to work in a school setting as a school counsellor and work directly with teachers, parents, and administrators in K-12 settings.
BSW (Hons)
Social Work
Social Work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help and improve people's lives.
MSc (Hons)
Marriage and Family Therapy
Marriage and Family Therapy students gain expertise in family systems theory and practice, clinical assessment and the prevention and treatment of relational problems.
BSc (Hons)
Behavioral Science, Community Health
The Behavioral Science Major with Specialization in Community Health is designed for people who are interested in improving the health and well being of people in the community.
BSc (Hons)
Behavioral Science, Health Services Management
The Health Services Management specialization focuses your major and gives you knowledge and experiences that are directed toward an eventual goal of being a health services administrator.
BSc (Hons)
Discover how the human mind works and affects behaviour, gain research skills and professional experience. Choose an optional one-year paid work placement.
BSc (Hons)
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Study the science behind sport and exercise at Roehampton and learn how to optimise athletic performance, prevent injuries, improve wellbeing and help athletes with recovery.
BSc (Hons)
Children's Nursing
Learn to provide outstanding care for children and young people and develop the skills and knowledge for a rewarding career in children’s nursing.
BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences is a gateway into all Life and Health Sciences career paths. Study what you’re passionate about in this rapidly developing scientific discipline.
BSc (Hons)
Adult Nursing
Be part of the next generation of community and primary care nurses and learn to support people to live healthy lives. You can choose to study this course at our main campus or at Croydon University Centre.
MSci (Hons)
Adult and Mental Health Nursing
Are you passionate about supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of others? Learn to succeed as both an Adult Nurse and a Mental Health Nurse.
Cert HE (Hons)
Biblical Studies and Theology
A course that develops your skills and knowledge for a variety of Christian professions that call for a deep understanding of theology and practice. This course can be completed entirely online for those living further afield.
Theology, Mission and Practice
A course that develops your skills and knowledge for a variety of Christian professions that call for a deep understanding of theology and practice. This course can be completed entirely online for those living further afield.
BSc (Hons)
Our BSc Sociology degree will broaden your horizons, and equip you with all the tools you need to analyse an ever-changing world.
BA (Hons)
Liberal Arts
This broad-based degree programme gives you the freedom to study the arts, philosophy, ancient and modern history, literature, politics, sociology, journalism, media and much more.
BSc (Hons)
Criminology and Policing
Learn from an experienced team with extensive criminal justice experience and equip yourself for a career analysing and responding to crime.
BSc (Hons)
Science in Public Health
The mission of the Department of Public Health (formerly Health Education) at San Francisco State University is to promote health and health equity at the individual, community, and structural levels through transformative education, research, scholarship and service, all of which value diversity, engage communities and are grounded in cultural humility.
BA (Hons)
Education Practice
An exciting education degree with a distinct focus on careers in schools. Includes timetabling options to suit working Teaching Assistants and others with professional or personal commitments.
LLB (Hons)
LLB Law and Criminal Justice
Gain the key legal skills required in our ‘law in practice’ environment while specialising in current trends and responses to crime.
PC (Hons)
National Award for Special Educational Needs (SEN) Coordinators
Roehampton is an accredited provider of this required, master's level qualification for all teachers working as SENCOs in mainstream schools.
MSc (Hons)
Education Leadership and Management (top-up)
The MSc Education Leadership and Management (top-up) is a programme will which allow students to top-up their existing diploma level qualification or exceptionally equivalent experience, to an MSc
MSc (Hons)
Psychology Wellbeing
Completion of the course will lead to a number of career opportunities worldwide, including research, teaching and those within the caring professions. It also facilitates career development and progression. Other students might use the course as a stepping-stone to specialised PhD study.
MSc (Hons)
Global Health
The Global Health postgraduate course is an ideal progression opportunity for graduates from a range of courses such as Health and Wellbeing in Society, Psychology, Nutrition, Biomedical Science, Youth Work and Community Development or those wishing to work in or already working in global health settings.
BSc (Hons)
Nutrition & Dietetics
The Nutrition and Dietetics program prepares students for careers in clinical dietetics, foodservice systems management, and nutrition education in hospitals, communities, industry, or government agencies.
MA (Hons)
Theology and Religious Studies
A systematic and in-depth understanding of key theological and religious issues within Christianity, Islam, Indian Religions and Judaism, taught by a passionate and experienced subject team
PC (Hons)
Coaching and Mentoring in Education
This year-long course will enable you to develop the attitudes and skills you need to become a highly effective professional coach and mentor within the education sector.
MA (Hons)
SEND and Inclusive Education
A programme that explores the education of children and young people with learning difficulties, disability and other needs. It challenges exclusion, aiming to enable the participation and empowerment of all
MA (Hons)
International Relations
Learn how to be a thought leader and problem solver in an age of global challenges with our MA International Relations.
MA (Hons)
Human Rights and International Relations
This unique MA will help you become a skilled professional in the field of promoting and protecting human rights.
MA (Hons)
Environmental Humanities
In this time of environmental crisis, this new course will reflect on some of the most urgent environmental issues we face, and imagine new ways of relating to the natural environment.
Erasmus Mundus: Human Rights Policy and Practice
This two-year programme is designed for postgraduates who want to make a significant contribution to the human rights agenda internationally.
MA (Hons)
A highly flexible programme of master's study aimed at students and professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of education and its role in society.
MA (Hons)
Education Leadership and Management
A master's degree that will engage you in analytical enquiry into the theory of leadership within education, helping you improve your own practice and your that of your organisation.
PGCE School Direct (Primary and Secondary)
Train as a teacher based in a school of your choice, while still gaining a PGCE qualification from Roehampton and qualified teacher status
MA (Hons)
Early Childhood Studies
A programme of study founded on a commitment to babies and young children as people with agency and unique capacities, and to their overall wellbeing from the prenatal period.
PC (Hons)
Music and Children with Special Needs: Sounds of Intent
An introduction to the Sounds of Intent framework of musical development for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
PGCE Secondary
Qualify to teach in secondary schools and be trained by a passionate and supportive team of academic staff who will give you the tools to build a successful teaching career
PGCE Primary
Train to be a primary school teacher at Roehampton, with its uniquely long heritage in teacher training and its commitment to Froebelian principals of education
Personal and Professional Development (recent Roehampton graduates only)
A course designed exclusively for Roehampton graduates seeking to bolster their graduate level employability and make effective longer term career plans
National Award for SEN Co-ordinators
Roehampton is an accredited provider of this required, master's level qualification for all teachers working as SENCOs in mainstream schools
MA (Hons)
Cultural Heritage
A unique master's degree that combines historical, anthropological, religious, literary and philosophical approaches to cultural heritage, with a focus on London and its diverse communities.
MA (Hons)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Open your mind to a range of perspectives on crime and justice, and the impact they have on society today.
PhD (Prof)
DTh in Practical Theology
A part-time professional doctorate programme which will enhance the evaluative and reflective skills required to go further in your career.
MA (Hons)
Creative Writing (specialist pathway)
These three discipline-specific programmes allow you to focus on your chosen writing area and benefit from all the same opportunities offered on the MA Creative Writing.
Creative Writing
A pioneering course when it launched in 2005, this master's remains dedicated to providing a unique and innovative curriculum, taught by world-leading writers and academic staff.
MA (Hons)
Children's Literature (By Distance Learning)
This unique course allows you to study children's literature in an online, flexible and part-time format from wherever you are in the world.
BA (Hons)
English Literature
Words and stories have the power to change lives. At the University of Roehampton we take both a creative and a practical approach to exploring literature and the written word.
BA (Hons)
Classical Civilisation
Learn about classical Athens, ancient Rome and the representations of antiquity in modern media on our wide-ranging BA Classical Studies.
BA (Hons)
Taught by our team of world-class historians, this degree programme covers a vast range of periods, from the Viking conquests, through Tudor England to the collapse of Communism, and Brexit.
BA (Hons)
English Literature and Philosophy
An engaging programme of study which examines English literature and philosophy, and how the two disciplines connect and overlap within our cultural and intellectual landscape.
BA (Hons)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Pur PPE degree will prepare students to be changemakers who can make sense of the world and understand the action required to solve social problems.
BA (Hons)
Early Childhood Studies
A degree with a sharp focus on employability in the early years sector, and with teaching informed by the influential works of Friedrich Froebel.
BA (Hons)
Sport Coaching
A degree that gives you coaching expertise and academic credentials, with unique placement opportunities in some of London’s most prestigious sporting organisations.
BA (Hons)
Primary Education (QTS) KS1/KS2
Learn how to inspire the next generation with this highly ranked teacher training degree, offering qualified teacher status (QTS) and a rewarding career as primary school teacher.
BA (Hons)
Creative Writing
We cultivate a supportive environment that empowers students for success within and beyond the University of Roehampton. As part of your studies, you will be able to experience work placement, study abroad, and go on field trips across London and beyond. Our aim is to give students life-changing experiences.
BA (Hons)
Religion Theology and Culture
This BA will give you the critical and theoretical tools to better understand the world we live in and to interact with lecturers who are actively engaged in projects for social and ethical change.
BA (Hons)
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at Roehampton embodies practical humanities. You will learn how to apply your interpretative and analytical skills to a whole range of contemporary issues regarding community, public policy, social justice, and your personal life.
MA (Hons)
Education Studies
The School of Education is renowned for its high-quality teaching and research, and is one of the most highly respected Initial Teacher Education providers in the UK.
LLB (Hons)
Law and Criminology
Whether you want to study criminology, law or sociology, our thought-provoking degrees will help you to understand and challenge the world around you. As you study the complexities of society, explore the causes of crime, or learn about the legal system, you will gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your chosen career.
LLB (Hons)
You will have the opportunity to act like a lawyer from the start, gaining the key legal skills required in our ‘law in practice’ environment
BSc (Hons)
Unlock the secrets of the animal kingdom, learn how animals survive in the wild, and understand how important they are to the world’s ecosystems.
BSc (Hons)
Biomedical Science
Make a difference to humanity by studying BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science at Roehampton. Here you will discover life processes, health, disease, treatment and prevention.
BSc (Hons)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Taught by world-class tutors in a department driven by innovative research, you will develop a critical understanding of criminology in this all-encompassing degree.
LLM (Hons)
Natural Resources and Environmental Law and Policy
Natural Resources form the bedrock of global economic development, however, development and use of natural resources have implications for the environment, often leading to other socio-economic and political challenges such as poverty, disease and conflicts, especially in developing countries. The resulting environmental impacts such as climate change, pollution and degradation of habitats and species extinction has also raised serious challenges for governance and diplomacy at the international level, often pitting international economic policies and frameworks with natural resources and environmental governance.
BSc (Hons)
Recreation, Parks & Tourism Administration
BA (Hons)
Health & Social Care
The BA (Hons) Health and Social Care degree will provide you with an in-depth understanding of health and social care theory and practice, and help you to gain the skills necessary to improve the lives of those who rely on the health and social care system.
MSc (Hons)
Sustainable Development
This course is designed to develop leaders with a deep understanding of sustainable development ideas, institutions, policies and networks - and the necessary critical thinking skills to inform policy and create long term impact.
MSc (Hons)
The Psychology of Health and Wellbeing
This new Master's course examines advanced concepts in psychology related to health and wellbeing. It is suitable for you if you have completed an undergraduate psychology course, or have a degree in an allied subject.
Sustainability and Water Security
Explore the governance, and the economic, social, and environmental challenges arising from the demands on water resources
Sustainability and Renewables
Learn to analyse and study the ongoing international renewable energy transition from a range of perspectives
Sustainability and Environmental Modelling
Environmental modelling can help improve environmental systems through research and analysis
MA (Hons)
Peace, Resilience and Social Justice
Our MA in Peace, Resilience and Social Justice is designed for those seeking an advanced understanding of the intersecting crises of climate change/ecological degradation, inequality and injustice, conflict and violence.
MSc (Hons)
Project Planning and Management
This course builds knowledge and skills in the planning and management of development projects and courses. It is designed to deepen critical understanding of the strategies, processes, techniques and issues involved in taking ideas for development and turning them into practical realities with identifiable outcomes and benefits.
International Mineral Resources Management
Develop analytical skills and learn to understand commercial and regulatory processes for a career in the international mineral resource industries
MSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management (CIPD)
This dual-award course is fully accredited by Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), giving full exemption against their Level 7 Advanced Diploma in HRM.
MSc (Hons)
Marketing and Management
Bradford's course in Marketing and Management covers core business practices and marketing principles, giving you the range of competencies you need to become a marketing professional or pursue a management career with a specialism in marketing. This course equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills in marketing and management which reflect relevant research, best practice and innovative thinking to enhance your employability. The course also serves as preparation for further study or an academic career in marketing.
MSc (Hons)
International Business Marketing and Human Resource Management
Our International Business and Management Master's programme gives you the skills you need to unlock a wide range of global management opportunities. The programme is grounded in the main concepts and theories that focus on key elements of contemporary international business and views from a strategic perspective.
MSc (Hons)
Logistics Data Analytics and Supply Chain
Our new Master’s course in Logistics, Data Analytics and Supply Chain Management is designed for those considering broadening their knowledge beyond their existing discipline and securing a career in logistics, supply chain and transport field.
MSc (Hons)
Our Master's in Management is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills in business and management which reflect relevant research, best practice and innovative thinking to enhance your employability.
MSc (Hons)
Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
The world is more data-driven than ever, and while specialist analytical, digital, data science, and artificial intelligence skills are in high demand, the supply is still very limited. There is a lack of experts in data science and artificial intelligence and this lack of expertise means that, currently, only few companies are actually able to exploit the full potential of their data sets and transform the same into a competitive advantage.
International Energy Studies and Energy Economics
Develop your understanding of the economic and policy issues facing the international energy sector
MSc (Hons)
Digital and Strategic Marketing
The MSc in Digital and Strategic Marketing develops the specialist knowledge and skills you need to pursue a career in the sector.
International Energy Studies and Energy Finance
Develop your understanding of the economic and financial issues facing the international energy sector
MSc (Hons)
Economics and Finance for Development
This course will provide you with a systematic understanding of economic approaches to development and in particular, the role of finance and financial institutions. Students will be able to evaluate the merits of the various mechanisms of financing development and to understand the bases for financial policy.
MSc (Hons)
Finance and Investment
The programme focuses on the key elements of corporate finance, investment management and applied quantitative finance. The aim is to produce specialists who have a strong financial perspective on corporate activity, pension fund behaviour, the economy and international financial markets.
MSc (Hons)
Finance Accounting and Management
A full-time Master's degree designed to produce fully rounded managers with an emphasis on finance. You’ll focus on how a business creates and measures value, and how to approach accounting and finance from a strategic perspective.
International Energy Studies and Oil and Gas Economics
Develop your understanding of the economics and policy issues facing the international oil and gas industries
MA (Hons)
International Development Management
This degree is at the cutting edge of development theory, policy and management. It provides students with the critical and analytical skills to enable them to operate effectively in international development environments.
MA (Hons)
International Relations and Security Studies
You will develop an advanced academic and policy relevant understanding of international relations and security, along with analytical skills that are in high demand within institutional politics, NGO and lobbying organisations.
MA (Hons)
Peace, Conflict and Development
The MA in Peace, Conflict and Development Studies provides an advanced understanding of the inter-relationships between conflict, development, security, and governance in developing, fragile, transitional and/or conflict affected regions and countries. You’ll gain the understanding and skills you need to pursue or develop a career in what is now a major area for international, national and local policy and practitioner communities. You’ll be equipped to work across many sectors including:
LLM (Hons)
International Commercial Law
The new LLM in International Commercial Law gives you specialist knowledge of the regulation of international commerce, and a thorough understanding of the broader social, economic and political contexts which shape modern commercial law and practice.
LLM (Hons)
International Human Rights Law and Development
Human rights and the law is a huge growth area, evolving and expanding in response to new developments, threats, and evolution in our thinking as a society. It has great significance for major global challenges such as war, terrorism, gender, migration and climate change, and interfaces quite significantly with impacts from science and innovation.
LLM (Hons)
International Legal Studies
Our Master of Laws (LLM) programme gives you an in-depth knowledge of law in its international context. You’ll evaluate research and advanced scholarship in areas of legal study such as human rights law, immigration and refugee law, international banking and finance law, and international environmental law.
MA (Hons)
Advanced Practice in Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution
The programme will develop your understanding of the causes and dynamics of social conflict, with a strong focus on case-study analysis. It will allow you to develop informed judgements about when and how to engage constructively with conflict, recognising the strengths and limitations of different approaches to intervention. And you will consider critical questions surrounding and problematising efforts to build peace in different contexts, and in the light of contemporary trends, including converging environmental, economic and political developments.
Social Work
Learn how to support individuals, families, and communities, while working towards the professional accreditation required for a career in social work
Advanced Social Work Studies
Develop advanced critical, analytical, and research skills in any aspect of social work, with a course that can be tailored to your interests
Social Research
Explore a variety of social research methods and learn how to conduct reliable and valid research that will help you examine ideas about society
Psychological Research Methods
For psychology graduates who wish to gain theoretical and practical training in research methods and experience of working in an active lab
Psychology (Conversion)
A course for students who wish to obtain an accredited psychology degree that will support entry into the professional psychology career pathways

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