
BA (Hons)
Courses in the Spanish Major allow students to master written and spoken Spanish and to explore all aspects of Hispanic literature and culture, including film, music and visual art. Our courses also examine current issues in Latin America—including the United States—and Spain.
BSc (Hons)
Immerse yourself in the study of people, culture and society. Learn about the key social factors that influence groups and organizations and develop skills in research and data analysis.
BSW (Hons)
Social Work
Social Work is a profession for those with a strong desire to help and improve people's lives.
MSc (Hons)
School Counseling
The Master of Science Degree in School Counseling is designed to prepare you to work in a school setting as a school counsellor and work directly with teachers, parents, and administrators in K-12 settings.
MSc (Hons)
School Psychology
This nationally accredited program prepares graduates to work as school psychologists in elementary or secondary schools and in other exempt agencies.
MSc (Hons)
The core components of the program center on theory, research, and field experience. The MS Psychology Program offers classes in a variety of modalities, including: face-to-face, synchronous, asynchronous, and blended formats. Students are free to select classes in formats that work best with their busy lives.
BSc (Hons)
Public Accounting
Learn the skills and background to become an integral part of the financial success of any organization.
MSc (Hons)
Public Accounting
The Master of Science in Public Accounting is offered to those who want to enter or advance their careers in the profession of public accountancy as certified public accountants (CPAs).
BSc (Hons)
Psychology is the study of behavior, the mind and factors influencing them. With our highly esteemed faculty, diverse guest lecturers and extensive affiliations with mental health facilities, Mercy College is the place to pursue your degree.
MSc (Hons)
Marriage and Family Therapy
Marriage and Family Therapy students gain expertise in family systems theory and practice, clinical assessment and the prevention and treatment of relational problems.
BSc (Hons)
By emphasizing applied math and computer language (JAVA), the Division of Mathematics and Computer Information Science gets you prepared for a Bachelor of Science degree - and the real world.
BSc (Hons)
Media Studies, Film/Culture
The Film/Culture concentration presents students with the opportunity to study films and how they reflect society and conversely, how films influence society throughout history and in world cultures.
BSc (Hons)
Media Studies, Radio and Television Production
The Radio and Television Production concentration teaches students the technical skills needed to gain entry-level positions in the field of radio and television production.
BSc (Hons)
Media Studies, Journalism
The Journalism concentration teaches students a variety of writing styles exhibited in the daily press, both in print and on the web.
BSc (Hons)
Music Production and Recording Arts
The Bachelor’s of Science program is designed to prepare students for careers in Music Production and Recording Arts, with transferable audio skills applicable to Film, Television, Radio, Gaming, Theatre and Multi-Media professions.
BSc (Hons)
International Relations and Diplomacy
For the student who hopes to one day become a player in world affairs, this major offers the academic and hands-on training to shape the international issues and events of our time. Students will get a solid grounding in the art and science of diplomacy.
BSc (Hons)
Legal Studies
Mercy’s legal studies program prepares graduates for careers in law by providing a strong undergraduate education emphasizing communication, leadership, technology and ethics.
BSc (Hons)
Management Accounting
The B.S. in Management Accounting program will allow you to learn the financial and accounting processes invaluable to business managers in making key internal and external business decisions.
BSc (Hons)
Legal Studies, Political Science
Leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, the program is for students interested in law school, or a career in politics and public administration, or in pursuing a graduate degree.
BSc (Hons)
Legal Studies, Paralegal Studies
Mercy College offers a four-year Bachelor’s Degree program in Legal Studies: Paralegal Studies. The Bachelor's Degree program in Legal Studies: Paralegal Studies is approved by the American Bar Association.
BSc (Hons)
Health Science, Pre-Occupational Therapy
The Bachelor of Science in Health Science with a in Pre-Occupational Therapy, offers a comprehensive curriculum grounded in scientific principles and its practical application to prepare students for application to a graduate occupational therapy program.
BSc (Hons)
General Accounting, Taxation
A B.S. in General Accounting with specialization in taxation, will provide you with new ways of thinking, and acute insights into tax preparation, planning and compliance that help businesses and clients stay competitive in a global marketplace.
BA (Hons)
Learn how societies and cultures of the past help us understand present day events
BSc (Hons)
Health Science, Health Promotion
The Bachelor of Science in Health Science,concentration in Health Promotion provides a comprehensive and innovative curriculum that prepares students for evidence-based practice in health promotion.
BSc (Hons)
Health Science, Pre-Physical Therapy
The Bachelor of Science in Health Science, Pre-Occupational Therapy , offers a comprehensive curriculum grounded in scientific principles and its practical application to prepare students for application to a graduate physical therapy program.
BSc (Hons)
Health Science, Pre-Physician Assistant Studies
Build a strong foundation in the sciences. Preparing students to apply for the Mercy College graduate program in Physician Assistant Studies.
BSc (Hons)
General Accounting, Computer and Information Systems
Our program combines a general business background with a focus on management information systems and accounting to prepare students for careers in accounting, auditing, consulting, business analysis and management.
BSc (Hons)
General Accounting
If you currently work or are planning a career in accounting or taxation with a for-profit organization, not-for-profit organization, or a Federal, State or local government, a General Accounting major is for you.
BSc (Hons)
Exercise Science
Graduates in Exercise Science (performance) are skilled in evaluating health behaviors and risk factors, conducting fitness assessments, writing exercise prescriptions and motivating individuals to modify negative health habits and maintain positive life behaviors for health promotion in apparently healthy adults and those with controlled diseases.
BSc (Hons)
General Accounting, Financial Accounting
With a B.S. in General Accounting focused in financial accounting, you will learn the skills required to enhance your analytical and quantitative capabilities, preparing you for a career in accounting or finance.
BSc (Hons)
General Accounting, Data Analytics
Build your accounting background with a focus on data analytics, and secure skills that will enable you to compete in a high demand, high growth field with expansive career opportunities.
BSc (Hons)
Criminal Justice, Homeland Security
Develop a foundation in criminal justice and homeland security to find employment in federal, state and local agencies as well as in the private security field.
BSc (Hons)
With a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity, students can test, implement and configure any new security software and/or technologies, apply sound security policy to their daily jobs, and provide protection and disaster recovery to companies' business systems.
MSc (Hons)
The Cybersecurity Master of Science degree prepares students with the technical and analytical skills to secure data files, defend computers, shield computer networks and protect critical national electronic infrastructure. Students can pursue careers as network security adminis -trators, information security administrators or IT auditors and many other positions
BFA (Hons)
Design and Animation, B.F.A. (Formerly Computer Arts and Design)
The Design and Animation program prepares students to shape the digital landscape and pursue careers in animation, gaming and communication design, among other fields.
BA (Hons)
Build a foundation in critical thinking and communication that you can apply as a writer, teacher and in many other working environments.
BSc (Hons)
Criminal Justice
The 4-year Criminal Justice major will prepare you for the profession or help you advance if you're already in it.
MSc (Hons)
Computer Science
The Computer Science Master of Science degree equips students with cutting edge knowledge and tools to solve data science and software development problems.
BSc (Hons)
Computer Information Systems
Computer Information Systems students study the way that computers are used to solve business problems in organizations.
BSc (Hons)
Criminal Justice, Forensic Investigations
Develop a foundation in criminal profiles, managing and documenting evidence, and the justice system.
BSc (Hons)
Computer Science
Computer science students learn to analyze how computers work and how to design programs.
MSc (Hons)
Communication Disorders
Gain the real-world experience you will need to pursue a career in the field of Communication Disorders.
BSc (Hons)
Communication Studies
Communication Studies majors are taught to apply communication history, theory, law, and principles to solve communication challenges.
BSc (Hons)
Communication Studies, Public Relations
Offering a dynamic combination of theory and practice, the 42-credit Communication Studies program will prepare students to be the communication strategists of tomorrow - and open doors into the exploding field of Public Relations.
BSc (Hons)
Communication Disorders
Begin your journey toward becoming a speech-language pathologist with Mercy College’s Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders.
MSc (Hons)
Business Analytics
The Master of Science in Business Analytics prepares its graduates for employment in a high-growth area of the economy. The program is offered to candidates who wish to enter or advance their careers in that field.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, Marketing
At Mercy students learn the latest cutting-edge and innovative marketing techniques designed to give them an advantage over their competition and to enhance their career path.
BSc (Hons)
Clinical Laboratory Science
The Clinical Laboratory Science program prepares students to become licensed clinical laboratory technologists.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, Sport Management
The goal of the Mercy College Sport Management Specialization is to use the vast and popular business of sport as a tool to inspire academic excellence and career development.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, Management
Business Degree in Management will show you how modern-day business leaders and managers create "road maps" that allow them to navigate the intricate, challenging internal and external environments in order to achieve their goals.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, General Business
Mercy College will prepare you for the complex workings of businesses and how they relate to the environment.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, Entrepreneurship
Mercy's B.S. in Entrepreneurship provides students with the information and resources they need to transform themselves into successful innovators and business owners.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, International Business
Develop the foundation you need to understand international business as well as political and cultural diversity.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, Finance
Learn in one of the few trading room classrooms in the nation, which offers live Bloomberg technology and real-time market data.
MBA (Hons)
Business Administration
Earn your MBA in New York, the business capital of the world. In just one year, you can put the country’s premier business credential in your hands.
BSc (Hons)
Business Administration, Data Analytics
Technological and cultural innovation over the past several years have led to an astronomical increase in data and our ability to utilize it as a more objective, decision-making tool in business.
BSc (Hons)
Biology, General Biology
The Biology B.S. provides students with a comprehensive foundation in the life sciences and is ideal for those interested in careers in biological research, health care or teaching.
BSc (Hons)
Biology, Biomedical Sciences
The Biology B.S. degree with a in Biomedical Sciences is an ideal track for students interested in careers in medicine, dentistry and scientific research.
BSc (Hons)
Behavioral Science, Community Health
The Behavioral Science Major with Specialization in Community Health is designed for people who are interested in improving the health and well being of people in the community.
BSc (Hons)
Biology, Animal Sciences
The Animal Sciences provides students with a comprehensive foundation in the life and animal sciences and is ideal for those interested in pursuing graduate studies toward becoming a veterinarian.
BSc (Hons)
Behavioral Science, Health Services Management
The Health Services Management specialization focuses your major and gives you knowledge and experiences that are directed toward an eventual goal of being a health services administrator.
BSc (Hons)
Behavioral Science
The Behavioral Science multidisciplinary major primarily uses Psychology and Sociology as its foundation to explore human behavior.
BSc (Hons)
Computer Science (User Experience and Design)
Discover the art of crafting user-centric digital experiences whilst building in-demand skills for a career in technology
BSc (Hons)
Computer Science (Data Science and AI)
Learn how to develop intelligent AI and Data Science solutions that can change the world
BSc (Hons)
International Business in Practice
Gain a degree in International Business in three years. A new approach for a Scottish University, mirroring the three year degree length on offer throughout the rest of the UK.
BSc (Hons)
Business Economics
Gain a degree in Economics in three years. A new approach for a Scottish University, mirroring the three year degree length on offer throughout the rest of the UK.
BSc (Hons)
Business Management in Practice
Get a broad, analytical, integrated, and general business management education as well as valuable industry experience
BSc (Hons)
Applied Finance in Practice
Gain a degree in Applied Finance in three years. A new approach for a Scottish University, mirroring the three year degree length on offer throughout the rest of the UK.
BA (Hons)
Fashion Management Level 6 Top-Up
This one year Fashion Management Top-Up programme prepares students to study contemporary issues in a range of fashion management related subjects, where you will learn key skills needed to pursue a career in this dynamic and exciting industry
BSc (Hons)
Software Engineering
Combine your analytical skills with creativity and study a blend of established theories and modern design techniques to become proficient in developing high-quality software applications for desktop, web and mobile platforms
BA (Hons)
Advertising and Marketing Communications
Ideal for students who are looking to study the more creative aspects of marketing, with an emphasis on careers in the agency sector, such as digital marketing, public relations and advertising
BA (Hons)
Business Management
Gain the essential skills to work effectively within a wide range of business organisations and corporate functions
BSc (Hons)
Computer Science (Top-up)
This one-year top up programme is designed to provide you with a firm understanding of computer science.
BA (Hons)
Therapeutic Psychology
Begin building an inspiring career in counselling and psychotherapy at Roehampton, where we have an international reputation as a centre for therapeutic training.
BSc (Hons)
Psychology and Education Practice
A career focused psychology degree ideal for students wishing to work in education, with hands-on placements in a range of settings, alongside core psychology modules.
BSc (Hons)
Psychology and Criminal Justice
Understand how the human mind works and affects behaviour, and how to apply psychology to the study of criminal behaviour and the criminal justice system.
BSc (Hons)
Psychology and Counselling
A specialised degree which will allow you to pursue a career in Clinical or Counselling Psychology, psychotherapy and health.
BSc (Hons)
Discover how the human mind works and affects behaviour, gain research skills and professional experience. Choose an optional one-year paid work placement.
BSc (Hons)
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Study the science behind sport and exercise at Roehampton and learn how to optimise athletic performance, prevent injuries, improve wellbeing and help athletes with recovery.
BSc (Hons)
Nutrition and Health
Improve human health and wellbeing by studying a BSc Nutrition and Health at Roehampton, and gain insight into the science behind what we eat.
BSc (Hons)
Mental Health Nursing
Are you passionate about supporting the mental health and wellbeing of others and want to learn to provide outstanding care within mental health services?
BSc (Hons)
Children's Nursing
Learn to provide outstanding care for children and young people and develop the skills and knowledge for a rewarding career in children’s nursing.
BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences is a gateway into all Life and Health Sciences career paths. Study what you’re passionate about in this rapidly developing scientific discipline.
BSc (Hons)
Adult Nursing
Be part of the next generation of community and primary care nurses and learn to support people to live healthy lives. You can choose to study this course at our main campus or at Croydon University Centre.
MSci (Hons)
Adult and Mental Health Nursing
Are you passionate about supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of others? Learn to succeed as both an Adult Nurse and a Mental Health Nurse.
Cert HE (Hons)
Biblical Studies and Theology
A course that develops your skills and knowledge for a variety of Christian professions that call for a deep understanding of theology and practice. This course can be completed entirely online for those living further afield.
Theology, Mission and Practice
A course that develops your skills and knowledge for a variety of Christian professions that call for a deep understanding of theology and practice. This course can be completed entirely online for those living further afield.
BSc (Hons)
Our BSc Sociology degree will broaden your horizons, and equip you with all the tools you need to analyse an ever-changing world.
BA (Hons)
Liberal Arts
This broad-based degree programme gives you the freedom to study the arts, philosophy, ancient and modern history, literature, politics, sociology, journalism, media and much more.
BSc (Hons)
Criminology and Policing
Learn from an experienced team with extensive criminal justice experience and equip yourself for a career analysing and responding to crime.
BSc (Hons)
Science in Public Health
The mission of the Department of Public Health (formerly Health Education) at San Francisco State University is to promote health and health equity at the individual, community, and structural levels through transformative education, research, scholarship and service, all of which value diversity, engage communities and are grounded in cultural humility.
BA (Hons)
Education Practice
An exciting education degree with a distinct focus on careers in schools. Includes timetabling options to suit working Teaching Assistants and others with professional or personal commitments.
LLB (Hons)
LLB Law and Criminal Justice
Gain the key legal skills required in our ‘law in practice’ environment while specialising in current trends and responses to crime.
BSc (Hons)
Marketing (Top-up) Level 6
Learn to develop integrated marketing strategies and how to use promotional tools and tactics to create a consistent brand and build competitive advantage.
BSc (Hons)
International Business and Finance (Top-up) Level 6
This one-year top up programme is designed to provide you with a firm understanding of international business and finance.
BSc (Hons)
International Business (Top-up) Level 6
Acquire a strong understanding of business management and develop your ability to work internationally in marketing, finance or human resource management.
BSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management (Top-up) Level 6
Apply contemporary research to the latest HR issues, such as talent management and embracing diversity.
BSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management
As a human resources specialist, you will learn how businesses can get the most out of their employees and develop the skills for successful people management.
BSc (Hons)
With access to a Bloomberg trading room and Reuters Market Data System our BSc Economics will give you both the knowledge and key skills for a successful career.
BSc (Hons)
Business Management (Flexible Delivery)
Gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in a career in business, or management more widely. This degree covers the core areas of corporate life, including managing people, operations, logistics, marketing, finance, and ethical management. Includes an optional paid one-year work placement.

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